Tuesday, July 30, 2013

They Weren't Leeks

Remember those tall green things with a white bulb at the end? Those things I said were leeks? Well...they weren't leeks. They were onions! Who knew onions had tall green stalks?! They definitely don't look like that at the grocery store. Anyway, I didn't realize they were actually onions until after I found and made Mark Bittman's recipe for Pasta with Leeks and Parsley. Luckily, leeks and onions have similar flavors, and since these onions were rather young, they didn't have too much of an oniony taste. So basically, it didn't make much difference in the dish.

Not leeks.

This pasta dish was really easy to make - the onions and parsley gave it a fresh flavor. It was a nice alternative to tomato sauce, which can be very heavy. This is definitely a dish I would make again, and Mark Bittman is one of my favorite food critics. He has a really interesting philosophy on eating healthy and enjoying all food in moderation - you should be a vegan for breakfast and lunch, and at dinner, you can eat whatever you want. His reasons are for both environmental and physical health benefits. I want to read his book to learn more about this lifestyle and see how easy it might be to make some of his suggested changes. Maybe it will be my first book review on this blog? 

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