Tuesday, June 4, 2013

CSA Haul #1

Our CSA has started - wahoo! I have been waiting for this day for the last few months and it is finally here!!

The muffin was not included in the CSA, but it looked too delicious to turn down from the baked goods table!

Strawberries, lettuce, and kale are staples in our kitchen, so we shouldn't have a problem eating them...but rainbow chard? I have never cooked with this vegetable before, so I will be making recipes that star this ingredient. Loyal readers (Mom, Leah, Sarah, Annie) - do you have any recipes or ideas for rainbow chard?

The other vegetables that were available this week included 2 other types of lettuce, collard greens, and radishes. We were allowed to take up to 3 pints of strawberries, which was extremely tempting. I am looking forward to next week's harvest and to enjoying these delicious fruits and veggies until then!

Stay tuned for rainbow chard recipes!

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