Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stuffed Cabbage

This recipe comes straight from my mom. For as along as I can remember, she's been making stuffed cabbage. It's one of her many dishes that I love eating, and for me, it's definitely comfort food. Wrapping the cabbage was a bit more difficult than anticipated, but besides that, this dish is fairly easy to make! Plus, it freezes very no need to worry about finishing the leftovers quickly.

Stuffed Cabbage

  • 1 head cabbage
  • 1 1/2 lbs ground meat (I used turkey)
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup minute rice
  • 1 egg
  • 6 cups tomato juice
  • 3 Tbl chopped onion
  • butter/margarine 


1. Steam cabbage, either in microwave or on the stove. When cool, remove leaves. 

2. Sautee onion over medium heat until translucent. Set aside.

3. Mix together meat, salt, rice, egg, 3 cups tomato juice, and sauteed onion.

4. Scoop approximately 1/4 cup of meat mixture into cabbage leaf. Wrap and place in large pot. Continue until all meat is used.

5. When all cabbage has been placed in the large pot, pour in remaining tomato juice. Dot with butter.

6. Bring to boil, cover, simmer for about an hour.

...and after!

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