Monday, July 15, 2013

CSA Week #5 Recap

Alright, so this post is lacking in pictures. Things have been a bit busy over here @ lizzilnthings! It turns out that super cute and excited behaviors Winnie was exhibiting were signs of separation anxiety :( Poor puppy! We're trying to figure out what is considered "normal' separation anxiety for a dog who was just introduced to a new home, and which behaviors may be not "normal". Any thoughts or suggestions? We've been doing some behavioral adjustments and reinforcing positive behaviors...but Winnie keeps on incessantly howling and crying when we leave. I've been spending all of my free time researching all variations of canine separation anxiety, so I haven't had much time to take pictures or post. I hope this is a good excuse for the delay.

The beets were delicious - baked in the oven and eaten on salads and with goat cheese. I never had made beets before (confession: I buy them in a can!), so I was not sure how they'd turn out, but it was very easy to bake beets! Wrap in foil, bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes (longer for bigger beets), until a fork can pierce the beet. When cool, peel, slice and enjoy!

Pretty boring preparations - on salads, sautéd with garlic, in wraps. Nothing too exciting or exotic here.

Overall, week #5 was pretty great. All the produce was delicious and I made some new foods (pickles!). Looking forward to picking up my next share tomorrow...and finding time to finish posting about week #6. Yummy recipes to be posted soon...promise!

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