Sunday, December 29, 2013

Arugula Pesto

Nothing like the end of the year to remind you it's time to tie up some loose ends! It is hard to believe 2013 is ending in just a few days. I know I say it every year (and I'm sure you do, too!), but where did the year go? I definitely didn't spend the majority of my year blogging - oops. I am hoping to finish up posting the last of the recipes from the CSA so I can start 2014 fresh with some new posts!

What do you do with a giant bunch of arugula? What can you make that will last a while so you don't end up throwing it all out? PESTO! The recipe I used is the same one from the radish leaf pesto post from a while back, just substituting the radish leaf with the arugula.

Arugula pesto is a bit more bitter than traditional basil pesto, but it is still delicious! The bunch of arugula made so much pesto that there's still more than half of it sitting in the freezer! The plan is to use it up sometime this week: spaghetti with arugula pesto and sun-dried tomatoes. Maybe it will be the first meal of 2014!

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