Thursday, February 6, 2014

Scallion Pancakes

So this post is from 6 months ago - August 2013! Way back when it was hot and humid, people wore shorts and tank tops and drove with their car windows down. Summer seems like a distant memory with all the freezing temperatures and snow that's covering the sidewalks. I am so sick of the cold weather! Let's hope Punxsutawney Phil was wrong this year...

Anyway, this recipe should help warm you up on a cold winter night! It's perfect comfort food any time of the year, and it is also one of my favorite appetizers at a Chinese restaurant: scallion pancakes! It is a pretty simple recipe, but it does require a bit of time and expertise in flipping pancakes without burning them. However, this treat is worth the effort!
Frying in the frying pan!
Use a pizza cutter to slice the pancakes and serve it with dipping sauce. Unfortunately, I forget exactly what went into the homemade dipping sauce I made, but it was some combination of soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, leftover scallion bits, ginger, and garlic. It also goes great with a cold beer!

And that's it!!! I am officially done blogging my food exploits of the 2013 CSA Season...and just in time! The CSA sent out an email notifying everyone it's time to sign up for the 2014 CSA. Guess it's time to start bookmarking more recipes to try this summer and fall...

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