Tuesday, June 10, 2014

...And We're Back!

That was quite the hiatus, huh? Well, after a long break, Lizzil 'n Things is back in action! And there's no better time than today, since the CSA has started again! Nothing says summer like farmer's markets and fresh produce! Here's the view from today's stall:

And without further ado, here's what I picked up this week:

Rainbow chard, strawberries (!!!!!), asparagus, and mizuna. I never saw asparagus or mizuna last year, so it seemed right to snatch them up. To be honest, I never even heard of mizuna before. The woman behind the stall wasn't so familiar with this item but said it would be good in salads. After some brief research (thank you, Internet), I've learned that mizuna is a Japanese green, similar in taste to mustard greens or arugula. It is mostly consumed raw or lightly sautéed, and it seems to be a popular addition to stir-fry, rice dishes, soups, and salads. Considering mizuna's versatility, it doesn't seem like I should have a problem cooking with it!

I promise to write a few posts to update you with what's been going on since I last wrote, so keep watching for those. Thanks for your patience :)

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