Thursday, October 31, 2013

Roasted Cauliflower

Did you know cauliflower comes in colors besides white? While white is the most common variety, they also come in purple, gold, and green. Who knew?! I was pleasantly surprised to see an orange cauliflower at the farmer's market a few weeks ago, so I snatched it up, roasted it, and served it alongside beer can chicken (which might have to be another post of it's own)!

It didn't taste any different than white cauliflower and it made a really tasty side dish alongside the chicken! Roasting vegetables is one of the easiest ways to prepare fresh vegetables and it always seems to perfectly compliment whatever is being served as the main dish. Sometimes simple is much better than a complicated side!

CSA Weeks 21 & 22

I wish I had a more exciting reason to explain the hiatus in posting updates, but I was really just kind of lazy. Catching up on the DVR while laying on the couch lazy. That didn't stop me from taking pictures, though! Here are the past 2 weeks of produce from the CSA:

Week 21: lettuce, eggplant, orange cauliflower, and broccoli.

Week 22: kale, delicata squash, green peppers, and jalapeƱo peppers.

I promise to update more this weekend - there are lots of pictures waiting to be uploaded to my computer! Stay tuned!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Little Green Pumpkins

One of the surest signs that fall is here is the abundance of winter squash available at the farmer's market. Winter squash, unlike their estival (keep that word for a crossword puzzle!) relatives, have hard skins and last longer off the vine.

Acorn squash is that cute little acorn-shaped squash that is generally some combination of green and orange. Or, as my husband calls it, a little green pumpkin. We made a classic baked acorn squash that was so incredibly delicious!! It might be a bit sweet for those who prefer more savory squash dishes, but we loved it! It was a really nice compliment to roasted chicken and quinoa, and it was really easy to make (or so I hear! My husband cooked dinner that night - isn't he the best?). Baked acorn squash is a nice comforting side dish that makes you forget how cold and dreary it's starting to be outside.

This dish would be a great (somewhat healthier?) replacement to sweet potato casserole - you know, the one with the marshmallows on top? Maybe this dish will make another appearance in a few weeks at the Thanksgiving table!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

CSA Week #20

Here are the goodies from this past week at the farmer's market:

Butternut squash, red beets, potatoes, and kale.

I've been on a huge beet kick recently (have you noticed how many times they've appeared in these weekly pictures?) - I am really enjoying them roasted and chopped up in salads. My go-to lunch has been lettuce, cucumbers, roasted beets, and a chopped up veggie burger patty...with ranch dressing!

The butternut squash and kale will be going in a lasagna, but I haven't figured out what to do with the potatoes. Any suggestions? I'm hoping for something more exciting than mashed or roasted potatoes. Anyone have a different way to make potatoes that they'd like to share?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Heinz 57 and French Fried Potatoes

Cheeseburger in Paradise is not just a Jimmy Buffet song, it is also a great restaurant. Alright, I've only been to one of them, over 15 years ago...but I remember it being delicious. Who doesn't like a grilled pineapple slice on their cheeseburger? Anyway, this post is not about cheeseburgers - it's about french fried potatoes! French fried purple sweet potatoes, to be exact! Have you ever made homemade french fries without a deep fryer? It's so simple and much less intimidating than you might think. I picked up these purple sweet potatoes from the CSA two weeks in a row, and I made sweet potato french fries with both of the shares! No use in trying to reinvent the wheel - this recipe was so perfect and delicious the first time, there was no reason to think of any other uses for these purple beauties.

Here they are after being chopped - note the deep purple color!

And here they are, fresh out of the oven, sprinkled with some sea salt. See how purple they are on the inside???

In case anyone was wondering, I was told these sweet potatoes are a little milder and more starchy than their orange cousins. I couldn't really tell much of a difference in this preparation, but they were delicious...and great with a cheeseburger!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

CSA Week #19

There are only 6 weeks left of the CSA! Where did these past 5 months go??? It is really hard to believe that this year has gone by so quickly. Do I say that every week? Oh well. Here's what was ripe for the picking at the market on Tuesday:

Kale, golden beets, an acorn squash (or a "little green pumpkin", as my husband called it), and some more purple sweet potatoes! I am a little behind in posting what I've made recently, but I promise it will be worth the wait!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Easy Pasta Sauce Variations

Ever try to figure out what to make with that half used jar of pasta sauce sitting in your fridge? You know you want some spaghetti for dinner, but you just aren't sure there's enough sauce...and let's be honest, there's no such thing as too much pasta sauce! Or maybe you are tired of the plain sauce on your pantry shelf and want a way to make it a bit more exciting? Here are some easy ways to change up the jarred sauce that you have just waiting to be used:

Pasta Sauce with Kale

Add kale to a preheated pan with olive oil, over medium heat. Add salt, pepper, and garlic. Let cook for 5-7 minutes. Add pasta sauce until warm. Serve with pasta of choice.

Pasta Sauce with Fresh Tomatoes

Over medium heat, heat olive oil in a pan. Add 1 small chopped onion and 1 chopped garlic clove, cook until translucent. Add one pint of chopped cherry tomatoes, cooking approximately 10 minutes until tomatoes begin to break down. Add pasta sauce until warm. Serve with pasta of choice. Enjoy!

Easy enough - right? I apologize for the messy pictures...sometimes I'm just too hungry to make a pretty plate!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

CSA Week #18

It seems to be that summer is truly over -  I got the last of the onions and the last of the cherry tomatoes from this year's crop. And those purple potatoes...don't be deceived! They're not the same purple potatoes as last time; these ones are SWEET potatoes. And that's some pretty nice broccoli. A nice end of summer/start of fall haul :)