Friday, September 13, 2013

CSA Week #15

This week is all about deceptive produce - these 4 items all look like your standard fruits and veggies. Nothing too wild about watermelon, zucchini, tomatoes, or potatoes, right?

While the tomatoes and zucchini are nothing out of the ordinary, take a closer look at the watermelon and potatoes.

That is a YELLOW watermelon! Have you ever had or seen one of those before? It tastes a bit milder than your everyday red variety, but it also is a tiny bit sweeter, kind of like honey. After eating it for a few days, I think I might like it even more than red watermelon! It definitely tastes more like a dessert and it is just so juicy and delicious. Yum :)

As for the potatoes - just take my word that they are purple! When I finally make something with them, you can see for yourself their purple hue.

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