Saturday, September 21, 2013

Flying Purple Potato Eater

Purple potatoes! From the outside, they don't look like anything special or that different...but on the inside, they are purple! These ones were actually a bit more pinkish than a true purple, almost too beautiful to eat. This is one of those times I wish I had a mandolin...what could be better that PURPLE potato chips? Since there is no mandolin in my apartment, these potatoes just had to be made into roasted rosemary and parmesan potatoes. If anyone out there in blog land wants a recipe, just contact me, and I will happily send it along. These potatoes tasted just like...potatoes! There wasn't any noticeable difference in these colorful potatoes vs. the yellow/gold variety. We served them alongside baked chicken, and it definitely did brighten up the plate! It was a nice visual change. And here's what they looked like after they were in the oven:

still purple!

Sidenote: I've been feeling a bit under the weather these past few days - thanks to my lovely sinuses that enjoy giving me pain every once in a while. Sinus infections are not fun :( Anyway, because I'm just trying to rest up, I now have the perfect opportunity to catch up on the blog! So be prepared for a few new posts coming down the line the next few days.

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