Monday, September 30, 2013

Popcorn on the Cob

Did you know that popcorn actually came from cob? It's probably one of the many foods you don't often think about how it's made, but you just know it's delicious and a great snack. Popcorn on the cob is just dried corn on the cob! Pretty simple, right?

To make popcorn on the cob, just place a cob in a paper bag (to prevent the kernels from exploding all around the microwave!), and pop it in the microwave for approximately 2 minutes. Let it cool, and then enjoy!

This popcorn was not as fluffy as the store-bought variety, and it kind of reminded me of corn cereals. Not all of the corn popped off the cob, and it was a little hard to pick off the popped kernels from the cob when it was done. Two cobs yielded probably about half as much as one normal sized bag of popcorn - but that's probably a real serving size. It would have been great with a little bit of butter and salt, but I couldn't stop eating it long enough to melt some butter. I was hungry!

This has definitely been one of the more unique finds at the farmer's market. When I signed up for the CSA, I was expecting to bring home some new and different produce, but I never thought there would be popcorn available! It was a really nice surprise. I wonder what will be at the stall tomorrow!

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