Friday, September 6, 2013

Sour what?

This post is dedicated to my dad, a real New Yorker. He grew up in the Bronx and Queens, always yells at me to wawk the dawg, drinks his cawfee in the morning (well, not so much anymore), and most importantly, he eats his hot dogs with mustard and sauerkraut. If you aren't from the New York area, you probably think sauerkraut is stinky and gross. But it really is delicious, not only on hot dogs, but also on Reubens! When I picked up a head of cabbage from the CSA a few weeks ago, I knew I couldn't make more stuffed cabbage (no room in the freezer) and I'm not a huge fan of cole slaw (sorry, Mom!) I decided to ferment it...and make sauerkraut!

Believe it or not, this is probably the simplest recipe that ever existed. There are only 2 ingredients. Yes, you read that correctly...TWO INGREDIENTS: cabbage and salt. There are other variations, such as Bavarian sauerkraut which includes juniper berries, but this recipe is just for your basic sauerkraut. And it turned out great! Here's a link to the recipe I used: Homemade Sauerkraut. Since I did not have any cheese cloth, I just used coffee filters (as you can see in the above picture), and it seemed to work just fine.

So far, we've only eaten it with hot dogs, but I plan on making some Reubens with it, as well as making homemade pierogies.

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