Tuesday, November 19, 2013

CSA Week #25: The End.

Wow. It is hard to believe 25 weeks went by that quickly! I really enjoyed our half share of the CSA, and it is definitely something that I'd do again. At times, it was hard to come up with new and different ideas for the produce that was available. It was a great way to change things up in the kitchen and experiment with new foods and new cooking techniques. For anyone who enjoys cooking (or eating), I would recommend participating in a local CSA - it is a great way to support local farms, and nothing beats fresh produce!

Here's what the last four picks of the season were:

Butternut squash, kale, beets, and arugula.

Some of my favorite recipes from the past 25 weeks are listed below:
Even though the CSA has ended, I still have a few (ok, maybe more than a few) recipes that still need to be posted. Keep checking back to see what I've cooked!

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