Tuesday, August 12, 2014

CSA Week 9

This post is a week late - sorry! I wish I had a good excuse as to why it took so long to post. But I don't. Just plain laziness! Here's what I got LAST week at the CSA:

Cape gooseberries, chard, zucchini, and Roma tomatoes.

"Cape gooseberries?", you say. "I have never heard of such a thing!" Well, neither had I! When I asked the farmer what those funny looking things were, he just described their flavor - sweet and kinda pineapple-y. He offered me a taste, and I loved them. And then, from the next stall, where they sell delicious baked goods, I heard a voice: "They don't even taste like tomatoes!"

Cape Gooseberries in their husk...and one naked one!

WHAT. I just ate a tomato...and liked it? For my whole life, I have HATED raw tomatoes. I've tried tomatoes many times and every time I've spit them out. But this one was different. It actually tasted good! Since I've brought them home with me, I've been popping them in my mouth and adding them to salads. They taste kind of fruity and most definitely not like any tomatoes I've ever tried before. Maybe all you tomato lovers were on to something... 

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