Thursday, August 28, 2014

Stuffed Pattypan Squash

This post is a few weeks overdue. Oops. Things have been busy here with work and life, but I promise I still have been cooking! I picked up some cute little pattypan squashes from the CSA a few weeks ago but wasn't entirely sure what to do with them. I'd already sauteed them last year and it seemed like there had to be a better way to prepare them. And with the help of the internet, there was! I found this delicious (and adorable) recipe: stuffed pattypan squash! As always, I had to tweak the recipe slightly - I mixed the rice with carrots, onions, the insides of the squashes, and eggplant. The rice without any of the vegetables was AMAZING. I kind of have been fantasizing about making it again...and again. Angela at Oh She Glows was definitely on to something!

I also ended up with a little (ok, a LOT) of extra rice, so I just served it on the side. Nothing like a rice stuffed squash with a side of rice for dinner!

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