Tuesday, June 17, 2014

CSA Week 2

Here's what was picked today at the farmer's market:

Red leaf lettuce, beets, strawberries, and edible chrysanthemum greens (the fern-like green plant between the beets and the strawberries).

Like the mizuna from last week, edible chrysanthemum is commonly used in East Asian cuisine. I was told the stalk tastes similar to carrots (I would describe it more similar to celery), and the leaves are rather bitter and salty when eaten raw. The recommendation from the farmer was to stir fry it quickly or boil it...but the results of that will be in a later post. And yes, the edible chrysanthemum is a different species of the more common flower which is often seen in autumn. I already know what I plan to do with the rest of this week's share:

Lettuce: salads
Beets: roasted and then added to salads
Strawberries: eaten plain and possibly in salads...if I don't eat the whole pint first!

Looking forward to some yummy meals this week!

And a little farmer's market humor to end the post -

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