Thursday, June 19, 2014

How Was Vegetarian Month?

February feels like a long time ago. A really long time ago! Considering how hot and humid it's been lately, it's hard to imagine there was ever a thing called a polar vortex. As you may recall, February was "Vegan Before 6" month. Since I never posted any updates on how the month went and what was eaten, here's the long-awaited update:

It didn't happen.

For two main reasons, February was not a good month for cooking and/or eating. First, I was sick for about a week and half (sinus infections are quite the appetite suppressants), and therefore, cooking consisted of heating up a can of soup or putting a piece of bread in the toaster. These meals were Vegan Before 6 friendly...but clearly not the most exciting food items. And the main reason for this month not going as planned - Winnie.

Like most dogs left alone during the work day, Winnie decided to find new ways to entertain herself while her loving parents were gone. One day, she decided to eat EVERYTHING in the pantry that was in reach of her cute little snout. EVERYTHING. Oatmeal, Parmesan cheese, pasta, quinoa, prunes, you name it, she ate it. You can imagine what a a joy it was to come home to her that evening...Needless to say, we had to throw out most of the food in our pantry, since she had sunk her little nubby teeth into most of our packaged food items. We also had to buy and build a new pantry - with doors! - to keep our little scavenger at bay. By the time we found a kitchen cart, purchased it, built it, and restocked it, the month was basically over. Oh well.

Overall, Vegetarian Month was unfortunately a bust - hopefully it will be more successful next year. I was really hoping to try some new foods, but sometimes life just gets in the way.

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